Youer than you!


In order to understand our desires in life we constantly evaluate ourselves with respect to the world around us. We observe the people who are successful and we then try to emulate them in order to taste success in our own lives. Folks, there are only two kinds of reactions that you can get if you follow such kind of an approach: You would either be enamored by the other person’s life and end up being jealous, or you may get intimidated by the person’s success and end up losing your confidence!

You need to realize that the life around you and the “successful” world around you was built up by people who are no smarter than you! The only difference between you and such people is that they stood out from the crowd and followed what they believed in, while you never introspected of what you really wanted, and you blindly started following them!

Stop living someone else’s dream. Try to find your own inner voice. Believe in yourself and your passions. Don’t be daunted and afraid to walk on a path that takes you away from the well traveled path. If your will to succeed in your dreams is strong enough, you would eventually find the ways and resources you need to achieve them. Everything that happens to you does not depend on the world outside you but it relies upon what you believe in with all your heart. Take your life in your hands because, as Dr. Seuss said, there is no one youer than you! 🙂
